This I know...

You know love is a funny thing, it will sweep u off your feet and spin u all around. But sooner or later something happens to bring u down to earth. And thats when the real work start. Cause whats worth having is worth fighting for. Worth sacrificing for. Thats whats real love.

And what happens next?

He finds a way to say goodbye to his Angel, atleast for now. But he will always be watching over her. And then he will go off  and find out what lies ahead of him. Find the answers hes been looking for. And then when he finally finds his true path, no matter how long or hard the journey, in the end it will lead back to his Angel.

And they will be together again, if not in this world, then in the next.

I may not know alot of things, but I do know that.

vad som kretsar i mitt huvud avspeglas bra här. Fast det var väl också min tanke... Trädgården är inte alltid jadegrön, det viktiga är att den aldrig vissnar och dör helt och även om den ligger i träda precis som världen när vintern biter tag så kommer vår och sommar, liksom efter regn kommer sol.


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